Voice Over Schools in Texas | voice over Coach near me
Texas is a city with great opportunities and among them are well reported voice over schools with well trained voice over Coaches. The Voice Over Studios we have in Texas for both online classes and offline had the best of facilities you can see anywhere.
For anyone living in Texas or near by who desires to be a voice actor and what a training in voice acting, you will find top voice over classes and training centers in Texas in this article and also what you will gain in each Schools for voice acting.
To get Started, I will like to bring to your notice that having a great voice does not make one a voice actor or to perform well in the voice over industry. Your voice over Coach will explain more during the training sessions. To be an expert and professional in voice acting or as a voice actor, there must be a conscious effort on your part. You must train and practice consistently to develop your voice. A nice voice does not guarantee a nice voice acting career.
Due to this facts, you might be moved to ask how do I go about training my voice to be better and what are the best voice over Coaches near me, good voice instructors in Texas and what are the best voice over and acting Schools/Studio’s we have in Texas or it Environment. Also you might want to know about the Voice training Schools and classes to attend. We are getting there soon.
To help you better understand what voice acting is and the step by step process of becoming a voice actor, Scholarships infor Desk team, has put together this article, which covers all the information you need. Carefully read through!
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that employment of actors and actresses was predicted to have minimal growth through 2028. However, wages vary widely; in May 2018, the BLS reported that actors in the 90th percentile or higher earned $61.74 or more per hour, whereas the bottom 10th percentile earned $9.05 or less per hour. It might also interest you to know that voice-over jobs are highly competitive in nature.
To beat the mark and stake a claim in the industry, a good voice might not be all you need. Before we go on to state how to become a voice actor, it is important you have an insight into the responsibilities, requirements, and earnings of a voice actor. This most time serve as a motivation to aspirants.
Now, Before we go into the best voice over and acting schools in Texas properly, getting some understanding of some words used in voice acting field will be necessary. Who is a voice Actor? and what is voice acting?
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Who Is A Voice Actor?
Voice actors are those professionals who provide the voice for animated films and television shows, narrate documentaries, television and radio commercials.
In most of the television and radio commercials and movie trailers you see in Texas and other cities, voice actors are often recruited through voice acting agencies.
The voice over industry is a very big one that provide a lot of opportunities for many people in Texas especially voice actors who has been trained in any of the best voice over Schools in Texas. But being successful in voice acting as a career is very different from other acting field, because you need to begin from the bases of voice acting. For this reason, you need to know how to become a voice actor and be ready to constantly practice.
There are also a lot of opportunities for voice actors to thrive in this industry and it’s a business that keeps one busy. However, starting a voice acting career is not the same as starting in any other acting field: you’ll begin from scratch. Therefore, you need to know how to become a voice actor and be ready to constantly practice.
What is Voice Acting?
Voice acting is art of performing voice overs or providing voices to represent a character or to provide information to an audience or user.
From the definition above, voice acting is a broad description of an incredibly diverse industry. You can see voice actors perform in places like Films, dubbed foreign language films, animation shorts or films, TV programs, commercials, radio, Audio dramas, video games, audiobooks, live events, awards shows, toys and games, vehicles and transportation (e.g., GPS systems), documentaries, phone messages and interactive voice response (IVR), promos, trailers, training / e-learning, podcasts.
Within these genres, you’ll find a range of terminology. Some voice over professionals are called “announcers” or “narrators.” You’ll often hear “voice talent” as a catch-all term.
Now let us move to the list of best over acting schools and classes in Texas and most with online classes with good acting studios.
Best Voice Over and Acting Schools in Texas

In other to help you in your quest to be a voice actor, performing in many commercials in the city of Dallas and beyond, we have researched and came up with the top Ranking Voice Over schools with interesting acting classes with well trained and qualifed Voice Over coaches near me in Texas.
Read Also: Best Film Schools in Texas
1. Voices Carey – Voice Over School
Toping in our list of best Voice Over Schools and studio in Texas is the Voice Carey studio. This is particularly because the curriculum of this voice acting school is arranged to help anyone with any level of experience in voice acting as and actor.
What I mean here by your level of voice acting is whether you have been receiving some training in voice acting studio before or not, voice Carey teach the fundamentals of all types of voice acting to establish well-rounded actors and actresses.
This is made possible by how the sessions are structured. The group class format is an effective and interactive way of learning about voice acting as well as a great opportunity to learn from others
Interested in a specific area? Be it anime dubbing, narrating audio books, or commercial work: we’ve got you covered.
At Voice Carey, We move our students through our progressive curriculum designed to teach voice actors and actresses how to break down each type of voice acting script in the industry using the Voices Carey Method.
Our coaches are trained to focus on valuable voice acting tools such as Scene Design, The Actor’s Questions and Creating a Character. If you want to develop a well-rounded skill set in voice acting, this is the class for you.
Voices Carey studio location
Dallas, Texas is the home of FUNimation studios, the leading production studio for English dubbing of anime shows, films and video games.
Dallas is quickly becoming the preferred location for all types of voice over production, including commercial, audio book narration, animation dubbing, podcasting and more.
Voice Carey Online classes are hosted through Zoom.
We currently host our group classes online over Zoom. So no matter where in the world you are, you can join our weekly classes filled with other aspiring acting students and taught by our experienced instructors. We also offer private 1 on 1 lessons online over Zoom and Skype.
To know more about the school, please visit the school website.
2. Such A Voice
The next in our list of best Voice Over and Acting Schools in Texas Such A Voice which have classes for Students away from the city to study online. With studios in many States in the US, this acting school for voice actors is a must go for all who wants to practice in voice over industry.
While Training with Such A Voice
With over 35 years of experience in voice-over training and demo production, Voice Over coaches at Such A Voice have helped thousands of aspiring voice-over artists successfully launch and develop their careers in the voice-over industry.
The team are always working diligently to maintain a firm grasp on the latest industry trends, technologies, and social media tools to continually improve our programs and services.
Such A Voice understand that the success of our clients depends not only on the training that we provide, but also by maintaining the highest standards for the demos that we produce.
We challenge our clients to take their voice to the next level and produce a demo that will make an immediate impact on the industry. Our rating with the Better Business Bureau reflects our company-wide dedication to our talent.
Furthermore, we are selective in who we work with. All Such A Voice clients are pre-screened for their potential via our voice evaluation process.
We make sure that the clients we work with have the natural ability they need to succeed in the industry.
Last but not least, the team care deeply about our clients’ success as voice-over artists. This is why all of our programs offer lifetime support.
We encourage our clients to take advantage of this rarely offered and extremely valuable resource!
What you wil learn at Such A Voice
- Overview of the voice-over industry
- Demonstration of voice-over techniques with two class volunteers (don’t be shy now)!
- The numerous career opportunities within this industry, finding your niche, figuring out what you want to voice and how to do it
- The union and how it plays a part
- The income potential for full and/or part-time voice-over work
- How to market yourself in this fast-changing industry and how to book work
- The new industry standards, being able to work from home, recording on your computer or smartphone
- The equipment and tools needed to get started, having your own home studio
- An introduction to the all-important voice-over demo
- Step up the mic and record your own voice-over, and receive a complimentary evaluation of your potential in the industry
Such A Voice Voice Over Studios in the United States
This school has many acting studios apart from the one in Dallas, there are
- Midwest
- Colorado
- Chicago
- Cleveland
- Dallas
- Detroit
- El Paso
- Houston
- Idaho
- Indianapolis
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Milwaukee
- Oklahoma
- St. Cloud
- Northeast
- Southeast
- West Pacific Northwest
For more information about this Voice over Acting schools in Texas, visit he school website
3. Next Actor Studio – Voice acting hub
Also in the list of best voice over Schools in Texas is the Next Actor Studios. This acting school is a school set up by industry professionals who knows what it takes to be an expert in voice over industry. With voice over Coach that has experienced the industry, you can be the best Voice Over actor you desire.
Next Actor Studio – Review
The Only Actor’s Studio in Houston with Classes, Readings, Film and TV Productions, Film Festivals – all under the same roof.
In December 2003, two young and passionate filmmakers – San Banarje and Trisha Ray – formed Next Actor Studio in Houston to create an in-house group of actors who would be trained in on-camera acting so that they could participate sincerely and efficiently in creating feature and short films under the banner of our production company Lake Camp Productions.
Following our footsteps, a few years later, there opened an acting studio, using a variation of our studio’s name in Houston – that often confuses people and we receive several calls about that.
Please note : Next Actor Studio is an actor’s studio where we train not only acting classes, but also filmmaking, editing, screenwriting classes, and we have our own film produciton, and our own film festival (Niff Houston).
Our only other branch is our post-production facility in Los Angeles where our films get completed.
Next Actor Classes
Next Actor Studio teaches on-camera acting. Therefore, all our acting classes are recorded, including Shakespeare. Voice on-camera classes record the voices (not images). Students may bring an SD card or request the studio to email their performance video files.
Screenwriting and filmmaking classes are not recorded.
The classes are usually method acting based workshops with focus on emotional and sense memory and the importance of intellect, aesthetics and ethics in acting.
The acting classes are geared towards acting for editing, making impression at a film audition, understanding choices, Through exercise and bits, the classes aim to bring the best out of a student while helping them reach their emotional peaks.
Students must register at least two days prior to start date of class to receive scripts to work with in session. Incomplete registrations are discarded after 12 hours.
Students are required to remain respectful and courteous to fellow classmates and staff at all times.
Criteria to becoming a student at Next Actor
We welcome sincere students. Auditions may be required for some classes.
Students who enroll in Advanced Stanislavski Session must have prior Stanislavski Training and willing to participate in our practice and rehearsal session to assimilate the method.
The classes are geared towards acting for editing, making impression at a film audition, understanding choices, Through exercise and bits, the classes aim to bring the best out of a student while helping them reach their emotional peaks.
For more information about this Voice over acting school, visit the school website
We have come to see the top Voice Acting Schools in Texas and what anyone can benefit from applying to any of them. So you are advised to take this opportunity very serious.
4. Take Lesssons | Live
Takelessons is also in top Voice acting schools in Texas in our list. This acting school in Dallas is an online school. The online classes in this studio is like taking your class room into your house or office. Everything you need to learn in normal classrooms will be thought using online platforms.
While should you choose to start your voice acting carrier with Takelesssons online classes.
Success in learning often depends on finding the right teacher; someone that not only has expertise in the subject, but also knows how to inspire. The teaching style that works for one student may not work for another. As a parent or student, how do you find the right match? As a teacher, how do you find new students that fit your style? TakeLessons bridges this gap.
What will Take A Lesson students gain from this voice acting School
The team and voice acting coaches at TakeLessons has been connecting students with teachers since 2006. We know everyone learns differently, so our marketplace brings together a diverse community of teachers from different backgrounds and with different teaching styles
TakeLessons started in music, but are so much more now. Tap into their network to find amazing tutors, dance instructors, acting coaches and, of course, music teachers. TakeLessons makes learning anything convenient, affordable, effective, and fun for all ages.
5. Private Coaching with Lone Star VO!
Get the most out of your voiceover career with private coaching from some of the top VO talent in the industry! Private lessons are available through Skype, Facetime, Source Connect, Telephone and in-studio with some instructors. Package deals available. Email lonestarvo@gmail.com for more info or to book a coaching session!
Let us see the voice over coaches in Texas.
Best voice over Coaches near me
To get the best Information you need to perform well as a voice actor, you need the guidances of a well experience voice over Coach. Voice Over and acting coaches near me in Texas has helped many achieve their dream in voice acting industry.
The voice acting Schools in Texas will mentioned above has what it takes, when we talk of going over Coach in Texas. Let us look at some of the coaches.
Bruce Carey
Founder and Owner of Voices Carey is an experienced voice acting performer and coach with extensive experience in television and film. He’s been coaching voice actors for over 20 years. He teaches also at one of the best Voice Over Schools in Texas
Lindsay Sheppard
Lindsay Sheppard has been a voice actress for nearly 20 years working all sides of the voiceover industry, from anime and games to commercials and narration and even working side by side with her husband to run The Sheppard Agency, a national voiceover talent agency.
She is also the founder of Lone Star VO, a community and education resource for Texas based voice talent. Throughout her career, she has voiced over a hundred characters and thousands of commercials and narrations for companies like Disney, Nintendo, Google, Microsoft, Coca Cola and more.
Kim Booher
Kim is all about the voice. She’s always used hers to entertain- singing, speaking and acting. An energetic and engaging speaker and teacher, she holds a degree in music with voice as her primary instrument.
Lena Hills
Lena has been a professional performer for over 15 years specializing in opera, choral music, musical theatre, acting, technique and pedagogy. She has performed at Carnegie Hall, Disney Concert Hall, Meyerson Symphony hall and many others. She teaches at home and also in one of the best Voice Over Schools in Texas
Brian Pappas
Brian caught the acting bug in high school and continued in theater for a decade after that, eventually focusing on voice acting. As a voice actor and voice over Coach, many has benefited from him.
Steph Lynn Robinson
Steph Lynn Robinson is an award-nominated voiceover actress best known for her animation work. Having worked on both sides of the glass—as a performer and on the production side—Steph Lynn has a unique perspective on what makes an audition pop!
She has recorded nearly a hundred episodes of animated television. She is also a regular contributor to Backstage Magazine’s ‘Expert Advice’ column on all things VO. One of the best Voice Over coaches near me and best Voice Over Schools in Texas.
Jennifer V.
Lehman College, Bachelors of Fine Arts, Graduate! I am a Musical Theatre Performer. I perform all the time and believe that learning new and different techniques including warm-ups are of importance when it comes to the art of performing. She teaches singing, acting and other subjects too. Teaches at one of the best Voice Over Schools in Texas and best performing voice coaches in Texas
Kara S.
Kara voice and piano to students of all ages online and in Doylestown, PA. Thank you so much for viewing my profile.
I went to University of the Arts for my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. I am a life-long learner and just started another Master’s degree at Westminster Choir College. I teach classical, musical theater, pop, R&B, jazz, rock and country music.