Best Free Online Ministry Degrees Of 2021
Best free online ministry degrees that cost no penny, in this article we have made thorough researches and behold, we were able to lay our hands on the few reliable free online ministry degrees.
You will also get to see more tuition free bible college and seminary lists alongside. On a very honest note; finding free online bible courses with certificate of completion isn’t really easy but we did our best by compiling most reliable free bible courses with degrees that you can start all free and earn your degree or masters in bible study lessons with questions and answers.
Have you ever imagined getting free online ministry degrees or tuition free bible college online? If your answer is yes then you are the right spot for all things regarding to your searches.
Like many persons will ask if online degrees are legit and worth considering, frankly speaking free online ministry degrees are just as legitimate as offline courses handled in normal class room, and quite advantageous over offline courses because you will have the whole time in the world to do other things while taking your free online seminary degrees peacefully, the only thing required of you; is to just be available online at the time schedule for all your free online courses.
All hail technology advancement in recent times, the internet deserves to be applauded; a lot has been made easy including taking online courses and getting certification from partaking in online courses, just from the comfort of your home, it’s amazing right?
Let’s get to business of the day and unravel the best free online ministry degrees with zero tuition free for all Christians around the world, so long you meet the generally accepted admission requirements.
So, if you are a Christian with the aspiration to study in any of this institution, then you are in the right place as stressed in the second paragraph of this article amicably.
Advantages of Tuition Free Online Ministry Degrees (free online summer courses for high school students) Over Offline Ministry Degrees.

Without been told, you should be most aware that tuition free online ministry has got numerous advantages over offline degrees, this can’t be over emphasized but there is a need to be aware so you don’t get talked off by people who knows little or no knowledge about this free Pentecostal bible correspondence courses or tuition free ministry degrees.
Opportunity to obtain international degree certification from any part of the world, you can be in Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Togo and obtain a degree from one of the tuition free ministry institute.
Just as our headline connote “tuition free ministry degrees” your participation is totally free, you don’t need to pay a penny.
The cost of attending online classes is totally cheap, as you need only data bundle for internet access.
Text studying materials are totally free for all registered students.
You learn at your convenient time.
You have numerous learning routes to make a pick. So let us go to the best free online ministry degrees.
Best Free Online Ministry Degrees Programs
- Doctor of Christian Theology
- Doctor of Religious Education
- Bachelor of Theology
- Master of Christian Divinity
- Doctor of Christian Apologetics
- Bachelor of Christian Ministry
- Master of Biblical Archaeology
- Doctor Of Biblical Studies
To start with our listed free online ministries degrees, take note that they are totally free and as a Christian with the desire to go deep into ministration, you can apply, so long you meet the requirements.
1. Doctor of Christian Theology – free online ministry degrees
Doctor of Christian Theology is one of the free online ministries degrees and tuition free seminary degrees; one can begin with and earn recognizable certification.
Aim of the Program.
The aim of the program is to build Christians who wish to gain thorough knowledge on Christian theology; the course is a dedicated one aiming at students with the mindset of making Biblical theology a major part of their ministries.
Admission Requirements for free online ministry degrees
To a lay man, getting admitted into these online free courses is quite easy but the truth remains, you must meet some certain requirements to be able to get admitted into these prestigious free online bible college degrees.
And to gain this admission, you must meet the requirements which is a must to have earned master of Theology from any recognized or standard seminary school. To get into one of the best free online ministry degrees needs huge efforts on your path.
And for prospective students with a secular master’s degree accompanied with some background in theology can as well apply, so long they are aware that they will have to take up extra course work to fill in for all they have missed in theology.
Allocated Time for Program
The program is meant to last for just 2 years which you must try completing at the time stipulated for graduation.
Program extension is duly accepted but it requires paying some money as fees for approval, this is done to help working class fellows meet up with their individual jobs while taking the free bible college degrees from the comfort of their home respectively.
Courses to Study
The available courses in the institution you need to study are listed below, each of the courses listed below is a module, and each of the modules is 1 credit hour. The Practical work is schedule to 4 credit hours, and the institution programmed thesis to 12 credit hours.
So they have a total of 90 credit hours of work, studying materials are supplied free by them through downloads.
Courses Offered In The Online Programme.
- M01A1 Introduction to Apologetics
- M02A1 Presuppositions
- M03A1 History
- M04A1 Canon
- M05A1 Revelation
- M10A1 Introduction to tools
- M10A2 Preparation to become an apologist
- M10P1 What is proof?
- M11A1 Errors of Interpretation
- M12A1 Bible Difficulties
- M13A1 Science difficulties
- M14A1 Propaganda analysis
- M15A1 Manipulation analysis
- M16A1 Manipulation resisting
- M17A1 Logic and errors
- M18A1 Debating Techniques
- M19A1 Resisting debate
- M20A1 Leading questions
- M20U1 Using apologetics
General Apologetics
- THD02 Bible Difficulties
- THD09 Contemporary debates
- THD03 Introduction to logic II
- THD03B Logic and analysis
- THD01 Jesus and History
- THD12 Evolution
- THD04 Christianity and contemporary attacks
- THD05 Theism and open theism
- THD06 Christianity and culture
- THD07 Epistemology
- THD08 Presuppositionalism Introduction
- THD10 Trinity and Contextualization
- THD11 Uniqueness of bible
Hermeneutics Course
- THD41 Exegesis
- THD46 Homiletics
- THD40 Inductive bible study
- THD43 Parables II
- THD42 Parables I
- THD44 Dispensational hermeneutics
- THD45 Rapture and Revelation
Course On Bible
- THD22 History of the bible
- THD26 Zechariah
- THD31 Sermon on the Mount
- THD32 Romans
- THD21 Bible as Scripture
- THD25 Haggai
- THD33 Philippians
- THD34 Christology of Epistles
Course On Issues
- THD51 Pornography and society
- THD52 Christian faith and freedom
- THD53 Theological foundation of la
- THD54 Christ and culture
- THD55 Modern theology of God
- THD61 Introduction to philosophy
- THD62 Evangelicalism and Philosophy
- THD63 Theism
- THD64 God and Evil
- THD65 Paganism and Christian faith
- THD66 Philosophy and pornography
- THD67 Christian philosophy of Science
Courses On Theology
- THD80 Systematic theology II
- THD82 Bibliology II
- THD83 Justification by faith II
- THD84 Hamartiology
- THD85 God the Father
- THD86 Christ’s atoning death
- THD87 Spiritual warfare
- THD88 Eschatology and Olivet discourse
- THD89 Biblical foundations
Courses On Religion
- THD71 Christianity
- THD72 The Bible
- THD73 Islam and Quran
Topical Courses
- Life of Christ I
- Life of Paul I
- World view
- THD95 Evangelical world view
- THDPR Theology Courses
- THDTH Thesis
2. Doctor of Religious Education – free online ministry degrees
This Program is set for prospective students who wish to have detailed knowledge about religious education, this free online ministry degrees program is in high demand, though specially for Christians and those who has high aspiration to go deeper into religious education, one could actually tell from the number of courses they offer, on how promising and dedicated they are to whatever considered in the institution.
Admission Requirements for free online ministry degrees
To gain admission into this free doctorate degree in theology online, there is but a simple requirement to meet up with.
You need to have earned Master of Religious Education from any standard seminary school and people with a secular masters degree and some background in theology can also apply, so long they are aware that they will have to take up extra course work to fill deficiency in Education courses.
Program Duration for free online ministry degrees
The duration of the total program is posed at 2 years, which if defaulted may lead to automatic extension with added fees, but in a case where you needed some time off the program to face other business or life activities, you should proceed to make early extension payment.
Courses Offered at free online ministry degrees
The institution offered numerous courses and the requirements in each of the courses must be met for you to graduated, each and every one of the course listed below is actually a module and each module is 1 credit hour of thorough lecture, the Practical work is 6 credit hours, and thesis is 16 credit hours.
The total is 80 credit hours of work, and text material is supplied free by them via downloads.
Essential Apologetics
- M01A1 Introduction
- M02A1 Presuppositions
- M03A1 History
- M04A1 Canon
- M05A1 Revelation
- M10A1 Introduction to tools of Apologetics
- M10A2 Preparation to become an apologist
- M10P1 What is proof
- M11A1 Errors of Interpretation
- M12A1 Bible Difficulties
- M13A1 Science difficulties
- M14A1 Propaganda Analysis
- M15A1 Manipulation analysis
- M16A1 Manipulation resisting
- M17A1 Logic and Errors
- M18A1 Debating Techniques
- M19A1 Resisting debate
- M20A1 Leading Questions
- M20U1 Using Apologetics
Education Course
- DRE031 Philosophy of Education
- DRE032 Christian Education
- DRE033 Studies in Christian Education
- DRE034 Bible in Education
- DRE035 Current Theories of Education
- DRE036 Teaching to Read
- DRE037 Special Education
- DRE038 Technology and Education I
- DRE039 Technology and Education II
Bible Teaching Methods
- DRE041 Teaching Methods
- DRE042 Hermeneutics
- Print Communication
- DRE061 Writing Basics I
- DRE062 Writing Basics II
- DRE063 Effective Writing
- Ethics And WorldView
- Ethics I
- Ethics II
- Christian World View
General Apologetics
- DRE001 Current Issues
- DRE002 Atheism
- DRE003 Case for Christianity
Bible and Theology
- DRE011 History of the Bible
- DRE012 Canon and Authority
- DRE013 Justification by faith
- DRE014 Introduction to NT theology
- DRE015 Sola Scriptura
Essential Topics
- DRE021 Culture
- DRE022 Human mind
- DRE023 Political Philosophy
- DRE024 Liberalism
- DRE025 Fatherhood
- DRE026 Analysis of Media
- DRE027 Christian Integrity
Cult Communication Studies
- DRE081 Introduction to Cults
- DRE082 Cult Characteristics
- DRE083 Cult Classification
- DRE084 Christian Cults
- DRE085 Occult Cults
- DRE086 Why do Cults Attract
- DRE087 Resist Cults
- DREPR Course Development
- DRETH Thesis
3. Bachelor Of Theology
This tuition free online ministry degrees is special designed for prospective students who aspire to major deeply in bachelor of theology and you should be most aware that it gives deep foundational understanding of apologetics, theology, Bible, and world view to the student.
This program is specially designed for students who want to study the basics of bible and theology, students who wants to go deeper in scriptural teachings.
Admission Requirements.
To get qualified for this program, you need to have thorough schooling experience to boost your eligibility.
Course Offered:
They are numerous courses offered on this platform and you need to pass them all for perfect graduation, otherwise you will need to stay back and complete the program with added fees.
List of Courses.
Apologetics 1 {Introductory Topics}
- M01 Intro Chr. Apologetics (CA)
- M02 Presuppositions of CA
- M03 Historical Apologetics
- M04 Canon/Canonicity
- M05 Divine Revelation
Apologetics 4A {Tools of Apologetics}
- M10A1 Intro to Tools Of Apol
- M10A2 How to Prepare For Apologetics
- M10P1 What Is Proof
- M11A1 Errors of Interpretation
- M12A1 Bible Difficulties
- M13A1 Analysis of Science
- M14A1 Propaganda Techniques
- M15A1 Intro Mind Manipulation
- M16A1 Analysis Mind Manipulation
- M17A1 Logic And Fallacies
- M18A1 Intro Debating Techniques
- M19A1 Analysis Debating Techniques
- M20A1 Leading Questions
- M20U1 How To Use Apologetics
Apologetics {Applied Apologetics}
- BT001 Critical Thinking
- BT002 Evolution 1
- EBT003 Evolution 2
- BT004 Evolution 3
- BT005 Creation
- BT006 Faith & Reason
- BT007 Divinity Of Jesus
- BT008 Evidence For Jesus
- BT009 NT & External Influences
- BT010 Dead Sea Scrolls
- BT011 Biblical Orthodoxy
- Bible Study/Teaching Methods
- BT020 Bible Study Methods
- BT021 Approaches To Teaching Bible
Bible Studies
- BT022 Genesis
- BT023 Exodus
- BT024 Leviticus
- BT025 Numbers
- BT026 Deuteronomy
- BT027 Matthew
- BT028 Mark
- BT029 Luke
- BT030 John
- BT031 Acts
- BT032 Bible Survey
Biblical Backgrounds
- BT035 Jewish Religious Sects
Bible Canon
- BT036 Origin of New Testament
- BT037 The Apocrypha
Essential Topics
- BT040 Doctrine of Hell
- BT041 Ecumenism
- BT042 Essentials of History
- BT043 Roots of Reformation
- BT044 Worship in Early Chr
- BT045 the New Age
- BT046 Yoga; Issues
- BT047 Foundations of Faith
- BT050 Hermeneutics 01
- BT051 Hermeneutics 02
- BT052 Hermeneutics 03
- BT060 Systematic Theology
- BT061 Theology Proper
Church and Church History
- BT071 the Crusaders
- BT072 the Apostles
- BT073 Church Planting
- BT074 Early church history
- BT80A Practical Work BT80B Thesis
4. Master of Christianity Divinity – free online ministry degrees
Here is another free tuition free ministry degrees offered by International Seminary for (Free) Distance Education in Theology, its specially designed for Christian students who wished to get in-depth knowledge on ministry related subjects.
Admission Requirements for free online ministry degrees
To qualify for this tuition free ministry degrees program (master of Christian divinity), you are expected to have attained or acquired theological bachelor’s degree, and possibly if you have only a secular bachelor’s degree, then you can join by taking additional modules of course work.
Courses offered at masters of divinity degrees Schools
Below are the courses attached to the master of Christianity divinity, Details of Practical Work and Thesis will be given in the Student Handbook that is sent to every registered student via email, textbooks for all these topics is supplied free by the school via downloads.
Essential Apologetics
- M01A1 Introduction
- M02A1 Presuppositions
- M03A1 History
- M04A1 Canon
- M05A1 Revelation
- M10A1 Introduction to tools of Apologetics
- M10A2 Preparation to Become an apologist
- M10P1 What is proof
- M11A1 Errors of Interpretation
- M12A1 Bible Difficulties
- M13A1 Science difficulties
- M14A1 Propaganda Analysis
- M15A1 Manipulation analysis
- M16A1 Manipulation resisting
- M17A1 Logic and Errors
- M18A1 Debating Techniques
- M19A1 Resisting debate
- M20A1 Leading Questions
- M20U1 Using Apologetics
General Apologetics
- MDV01 Intelligent Design II
- MDV02 Darwinism
- MDV03 Faith and Reason (Advanced)
- MDV04 Apologetic Communication
- MDV05 Neo Evangelicalism and Apologetics
World View
- MDV10 Christian World View
- MDV20 Panorama of Bible
- MDV21 Exodus
- MDV22 Gospel of John
- MDV23 Romans
- MDV24 1 Corinthians
- MDV25 2 Corinthians
- MDV26 Ephesians
- MDV27 1 Peter
- MDV28 History of the Bible
- MDV31 Psychology and Bible
- MDV32 Suicide Counseling
- MDV36A Moral Relativism (Intro)
- MDV63B Issues In Bio Ethics
- MDV41 Introduction to Evangelism
- MDV42 College Evangelism
- MDV46 Bible Interpretation
- MDV51 Temptation of Christ
- MDV52 Christian Mysticism
- MDV53 Goddess Worship
- MDV54 Vineyard/Toronto Movement
- MDV55 Church Growth Movement
- MDV56 End Time
- MDV57 Claims of Revival
- MDV58 Life of Christ
- MDV59 Good and Evil
- MDV60 House Churches
Practical Life
- MDV81 Church Life
- MDV82 Why People Quit Churches
- MDV83 Prayer
- MDV84 Suicide Counselling
- MDV85 Suffering
- MDV86 Kingdom Life
- MDV87 Visionary leadership
- MDV88 Distributed Leadership
- MDV89 Identifying Potential
- MDV90 Teams
- MDV91 Leaders and challenges
- MDV92 Leaders and Movement
- MDV93 Shared vision and Leadership
- MDV94 Leadership encouraging Prayer
- MDV95A Prayer for Leadership
- MDV95B Family Ministry
- MDV96A Biblical Theology
- MDV96B Interpreting the Testaments
- MDV96C Theology of Church
- MDV96D Theology of Prayer
- MDV96E Life of Christ 2
- MDV96H Systematic theology 1
- MDV96J Systematic Theology 2
Essential Additional Topics
- MDV 97A Biographical Studies
- MDV7B Church
- MDV7C Philosophy and Christian Faith
- MDVPR Practical Work
- MDVTH Thesis
5. Doctor of Christian Apologetics – free online ministry degrees
Here is another tuition free bible college and seminary, this is designed for prospective students who aspire to major in apologetics in their ministry. this program happens to be the heaviest in workload among all the doctoral programs listed here.
Admission Requirements for free online ministry degrees
According to International Seminary for (Free) Distance Education in Theology Master of Christian Apologetics from our seminary is preferred. Those with MTh or ThD from this or any other seminary are admitted provided you realize that this is going to be a very curriculum heavy program.
Program Duration for free online ministry degrees
The program is meant to last for three (3) years, due to the heavy work-load of the program and it’s also a free online ministry degrees program.
Courses Offered at Doctor of Christian Apologetics Schools
The courses offered in this program are designed to help students relate with real life activities, each of the course listed below is a module and each of the module is 1 credit hour, the practical work is 9 credit hours, and thesis is 20 credit hours. The total is 120 credit hours of work. Text material is supplied free by the governing institution.
Essential Apologetics
- M01A1 Introduction
- M02A1 Presuppositions
- M03A1 History1
- M04A1 Canon
- M05A1 Revelation
- M10A1 Introduction to tools of Apologetics
- M10A2 Preparation to become an apologist
- M10P1 What is proof
- M11A1 Errors of Interpretation
- M12A1 Bible Difficulties
- M13A1 Science difficulties
- M14A1 Propaganda Analysis
- M15A1 Manipulation analysis
- M16A1 Manipulation resisting
- M17A1 Logic and Errors
- M18A1 Debating Techniques
- M19A1 Resisting debate
- M20A1 Leading Questions
- M20U1 Using Apologetics
- DAP01 Bibliology
- DAP02 Inerrancy
- DAP03 Pseudoepigrapha
Philosophy and History
- DAP10 Introduction to Philosophy
- DAP11 Christians and practice of philosophy
- DAP12 Naturalism
- DAP13 Postmodernism
- DAP14 Philosophical Apologetics
- DAP15 Theism
Theological Apologetics
- DAP20A God’s existence 4
- DAP20B Open Theism 3
- DAP20C Deity of Jesus
- DAP20D Impeccability of Christ
- DAP20E Kenosis
Apologetic Approaches
- DAP25A Apologetic Approaches
- DAP25B Recurring Problems
Evolution and Creation
- DAP40A Age of the Earth
- DAP40B Evolution and the Time problem
- DAP40C Genesis and Science
- DAP40D Colossians and Science
- DAP40E Job and Science
- DAP40K Darwinism
- DAP40L Evolution and Creation
- DAP40M Evolution advanced
- DAP40N Evolution Predicaments
- DAP41A History of Creationism
- DAP41B Creationism 1
- DAP41C Creationism 2
- DAP42 Flood and Ice ages
- DAP43 Theistic Evolution
Historical Apologetics
- DAP50A Jesus and History
- DAP50B Analysis of Resurrection history
- DAP50C Jesus and eyewitnesses
- DAP50D Bible and Archaeology 2
- DAP50E Universal Flood
- DAP50F Scientists and Creationists
- DAP50G Analysis Of Resurrection II
Apologetics and New Testament
- DAP60A New Testament Documents
- DAP60B Evangelicals and the Canon
- DAP60C Canon- Advanced Study
- DAP60D Apocrypha and OT Canon
- DAP60E Dead Sea Scrolls
- DAP70A Current Issues
- DAP70B Current Issues I
- DAP70C Euthanasia
Cult Studies I (Introduction)
- DAP80A Introduction to Cults
- DAP80B Cult Characteristics
- DAP80C Resisting Cults
- DAP80D Cult Attraction Strategies
- DAP80E Cult Classification
- DAP80F Christian Cults
- DAP80G Occult Cults
Cult Studies II (World Religions)
- DAP81A Analysis of Religions
- DAP81B Hinduism
- DAP81C New Age
- DAP81D Gnosticism
- DAP81E Free Masons
- DAP81F Mormonism
- DAP81G Islam
- DAP81H Feminism and Goddess religions
- DAP81I World Religions
Cult Studies III (Islam)
- DAP85A Introduction to Islam
- DAP85B Islam II
- DAP86C Codification of Quran
- DAP86D Textual History of Quran
- DAP86P Christian Muslim Apologetics
- DAP86Q Answering Muslim
- DAP86S Christian witness to Muslims
- DAP86T Questions from Muslims
- DAP86U Islamic Agenda
Cults IV (New Age Related)
- DAP90A New Age Cults
- DAP90B Gnosticism II
Practical Demonstration
- DAPRC Apologetics Course Development
- DATHS Thesis
6. Bachelor of Christian Ministry – free online ministry degrees
This happens to be the most basic tuition free online ministry degrees program, Bachelor of Christian ministry is programmed to give a thorough foundational understanding of apologetics, theology, Bible, and world view to the student onboard. This program is designed for anyone who wishes to study the basics of Bible and theology or who desires to get into in-depth teaching of the Scripture.
Admission Requirements for free online ministry degrees
The admission requirements for Bachelor of Christian ministry is quite flexible as You only need to have enough schooling to be sure you aare eligible for a bachelors level to study in the institution, In many countries this really means 12 years of school level of studies. Those who do not meet the minimum requirement for the course can ask for special exemption from minimum requirement if they are 21 or older as the cases may be.
Program Courses for free online ministry degrees
The course needed to be studied are mentioned below, each and every of the courses listed below is a module and each module is 1 credit hour. Practical work will be of 3 and the thesis will be of 7 Credit Hours. The details of Practical Work and Thesis will be given in the Student Handbook that is sent to every registered student onboard. Materials for all these topics are supplied free by the free online bible colleges.
Essential Apologetics
- M01A1 Introduction
- M02A1 Presuppositions
- M03A1 History
- M04A1 Canon
- M05A1 Revelation
- M10A1 Introduction to tools of Apologetics
- M10A2 Preparation to become an apologist
- M10P1 What is proof
- M11A1 Errors of Interpretation
- M12A1 Bible Difficulties
- M13A1 Science difficulties
- M14A1 Propaganda Analysis
- M15A1 Manipulation analysis
- M16A1 Manipulation resisting
- M17A1 Logic and Errors
- M18A1 Debating Techniques
- M19A1 Resisting debate
- M20A1 Leading Questions
- M20U1 Using Apologetics
- BM001 Approach to Apologetics
- BM002 Creation and flood
- BM003 Post flood
- BM004 Mysticism/ Christianity
- BM005 Truth/social-reform
Bible Survey
- BM020 Joshua to Ruth
- BM021 Samuel
- BM022 Kings
- BM023 Chronicles
- BM024 Ezra to Esther
- BM026 Corinthians to Philippians
- BM027 Colossians to James
- BM028 Peter to Revelation
Church and Management
- BM032 The church
- BM033 Church planting
- BM034 Developing the church
- BM036 Healing wounds
- BM037 Spiritual Abuse
- BM040 Ethics
- BM041 Bio-ethics
- BM042 God/evil /suffering
- BM043 Culture and corruption
Family Ministry
- BM051 Develop family ministry
- BM052 Biblical foundation of family
- BM053 Fellowship with Christ
- BM054 Godly boldness
- BM055 Practical Christianity
- BM056 Godly love
- BM057 Presenting Christ
Hermeneutics and Theology
- BM060 Meaning of Scriptures
- BM061 Effective Christian organization
- BM062 Effective Leadership
- BM063 Reproducing churches
- BM064 Effective ministry
- BM065 Team leadership
- BM066 Ministry skills
- BM067 Effective evangelism
- BM068 Effective follow up
- BM069 Develop creative Christians
- BM070 Leaders attitude of Christ
- BM071 Leaders becoming like Savior
- BM072 Leaders becoming shepherds like
- BM073 Leaders becoming like their teacher
- BM074 Leaders who are led
- BM075 Leaders who serve
- BM076 Servant leadership
- BM077 Developing-reproducing Christians
Practical Life
- BM080 Discipleship
- BM081 Authentic Christianity
- BM082 Spiritual warfare
- BM083 Body life
- BM084 Spirit filled life
- BM085 Displaying God’s glory
- BM086 Building up one another
- BM087 Developing Reproducing Christians
- BM088 Foundations for healthy marriage
- BM90A Abortion
- BM90B Homosexuality
- BM90C Pornography
- BM91 Missions
- BM100A Practical work
- BM100B Thesis
7. Master of Biblical Archaeology – free online ministry degrees
This is another tuition free accredited online bible colleges to start with as an aspiring or prospective student, it’s a known fact that the bible and archaeology is study together because they work together and they inarguably important to Christian apologetics.
A degree from this tuition free online seminary program for pastors and preachers, you will possess in-depth knowledge of the bible and the know how to simply explain it to congregation and you will also obtain a Master of Biblical Archaeology Degree upon successful completion of this program.
Admission Requirements for free online ministry degrees
You need to study the mentioned courses below, each of the courses mentioned below is a module and each module is 1 or probably 2 credit hours, practical work will be of 8credit and thesis will be of 16 Credit Hours of work, details of Practical Work and Thesis will be given in the onboard Student handbook that is sent to every verified registered student, the textbooks for all these topics is supplied free by the governing institution.
Apologetics 1 (Introductory Topics)
- M01 Intro Chr. Apologetics
- M02 Presuppositions of Chr. Apologetics
- M03 Historical Apologetics
- M04 Canon/Canonicity
- M05 Divine Revelation
Apologetics 4A (Tools of Apologetics)
- M10A1 Intro To Tools Of Apol
- M10A2How To Prepare For Apologetics
- M10P1 What Is Proof
- M11A1Errors Of Interpretation
- M12A1Bible Difficulties
- M13A1Analysis of Science
- M14A1Propaganda Techniques
- M15A1Intro Mind Manipulation
- M16A1Analysis Mind Manipulation
- M17A1Logic And Fallacies
- M18A1Intro Debating Techniques
- M19A1Analysis Debating Techniques
- M20A1 Leading Questions
- M20U1 How To Use Apologetics
Introduction To Archeology, Bib Arch, Methods of Archeology
- MAR001 Introduction To Arch
- MAR002 Archeological Analysis
- MAR005 Archeological Dating
- MAR009 Archeological Forgeries
- MAR010 Biblical Archeology
- MAR011 Bible And Archeology I
- MAR012 Bible And Archeology 2
- MAR013 Important Archeologists
- MAR014 Arch. And Apologetics
- MAR015 Buried Archeology
Section: Archeology And Inscriptions
- MAR20 Intro to Inscriptions
- MAR21 Mesopotamian Inscriptions
- MAR22 Egyptian Inscriptions
- MAR23 Sinaitic Inscriptions
- MAR24 Other Important Inscriptions
Section: Biblical Archeology & Major Discoveries
- MAR025 Qumran I
- MAR25B Qumran 2
- MAR25C Bible Manuscripts
- MAR026 Other Important Discoveries
- MAR027 Ebla Tablets
- MAR031 Egypt
- MAR032 Hittites
- MAR033 Mesopotamia
- MAR034 Philistine
- MAR035 Ugarit
- MAR036 People Groups
- MAR36B MSL Lands And People
Archeological Discoveries Of Biblical Backgrounds
- MAR041 Biblical Cities
- MAR042 Biblical Times and Life
- MAR42B Biblical_Numismatics
- MAR043 Music In Bible Times
- MAR044 Biblical Backgrounds (Detailed)
- MAR045 Health and Hygiene (Biblical Societies)
- MAR046 Flood and Geology
Bible, Archeology and History
- MAR061 Bible And History
- MAR062 Biblical Chron Introduction
- MAR62B Biblical Chron Advanced
- MAR62C Biblical Chron Advanced
- MAR063 History of Israel
- MAR065 History of Bible
Old Testament, Archeology, and History
- MAR71 Genesis And Near East
- MAR72 Israel, Egypt and Archeology
- MAR73 Israel and Nations
- MAR74 David And Solomon
- MAR75 Hittite Problem
- MAR76 OT And Discoveries
- MAR77 Context Of Old Testament
Section: New Testament, Archeology, and History
- MAR81 NT Related Discoveries
- MAR82 Jesus Through Archeology
Essential Doctrines
- MAR91 Foundations of Faith
- MAR92 Inerrancy of Bible
- MAR93 Infallibility of Bible
- MAR94 Authority Of Bible
Practical Demonstration
Course Development
8. Doctor of Biblical Studies – free online ministry degrees
This tuition free online degrees program is for Christian students who desire to major in doctoral program in Bible and theology after completing their MBS. This tuition free online degrees program is the lightest in workload amongst all the best tuition free bible college and seminary programs listed here. This tuition free accredited online bible college, doctor of biblical studies is aimed at achieving doctoral level orientation in Bible and Theology.
Admission Requirements for free online ministry degrees
To be qualified or meet these admission requirements, you need to have attained MBS from any theological seminary, or any secular master’s degree before you can be allowed to study this tuition free online ministry degrees courses.
Courses and There Codes
Just like every of the above tuition free online degrees program has there assigned courses, so is doctor of biblical studies, this courses must be passed for you to be awarded a certificate. Also note that text materials for proper studying will be issued to you by the school, all for free through downloads.
Essential Apologetics
- M01A1 Introduction
- M02A1 Presuppositions
- M03A1 History
- M04A1 Canon
- M05A1 Revelation
Readings (3 Documents, for reading only)
- M10A1 Introduction to tools of Apologetics
- M10A2 Preparation to become an apologist
- M10P1 What is proof
- M11A1 Errors of Interpretation
- M12A1 Bible Difficulties
- M13A1 Science difficulties
- M14A1 Propaganda Analysis
- M15A1 Manipulation analysis
- M16A1 Manipulation resisting
- M17A1 Logic and Errors
- M18A1 Debating Techniques
- M19A1 Resisting debate
- M20A1 Leading Questions
- M20U1 Using Apologetics
General Apologetics
- DBS01 Human Escapism
- DBS02 Science and Christian faith
- DBS03 Faith and reason
- DBS04 Christianity and Science
- DBS05 Open Theism 2
- DBS06 Evolution/Creation
- DBS07 Resurrection
- DBS20 Bible Survey
- DBS21 Study/Teaching Bible
- DBS22 Psalms
- DBS25 Isaiah
- DBS28 Minor Prophets
- DBS30 Revelation
Biblical Backgrounds
- DBS040 Bible customs and manners
- DBS045 Canonicity issues
- DBS046 Origin/History of the Bible
- DBS51 God and Evil
- DBS52 Christian Ethics
- DBS55 Western Monasticism
Practical Life
- DBS60 Christian Life
- DBS62 Family life
- DBS63 Equipping Children and Pre-teens
- DBS64 Child Discipline
- DBS70 Theology Proper
- DBS71 Major Doctrines
- DBS72 Rapture and Revelation
- DBS73 Tribulation
- DBS74 Satanic Rebellion
Conclusion of free online ministry degrees
Only few persons understand the working principles of tuition free ministry degrees programs, it occur that so many other persons don’t believe in the credibility of this free online masters degree courses with certificates.
We couldn’t come up with the list of free online bible courses with certificate of completion; we made thorough researches for the best tuition free online degrees programs that can be studied strictly via online and from any part of the world, so long you meet their legal requirements and you’ve never been convicted for any reason.
Resource: International Seminary for (Free) Distance Education in Theology