Easiest Pharmacy Schools to Get Into in 2021
Easiest pharmacy schools to get into quickly with less stress now; in the country we are. Getting into pharmacy school is quite hard since they are tough admission requirements since it’s a professional course, but come to think of it; do you know there are numerous pharmacy schools that have high rate of acceptance year in, year out?
It’s no doubt that Pharmacists happens to be the collaborating backbones of the modern days civilized world. Almost everybody constantly talk about medical doctors noting how they save human lives on the daily, however numerous persons seem to have forgotten that pharmacists are backbones of any dwelling country with less outbreak of diseases, quality drugs and it prescription are a work of the pharmaceutical companies and the practitioner.
Are you aware that pharmacists supply drugs and make proper prescription to people and even extend the necessary to them on the best and reliable ways to take these drugs depending on their individual ailments? Most times, only pharmacists can guide you on subjects like drugs dosage, the side effects, and potential reactions of the said drugs in your body.
Be most aware that becoming a pharmacist is an admirable career choice that most people see fading away, because it’s really hard to get into and make the best of; for this reason we have made thorough research and we wrote this quick guide about the easiest pharmacy schools to get in 2021.
This article is prepared to help person’s like you who love pharmacy, get into one of the pharmacy schools and follow your dream of becoming a pharmacist.
It’s a known fact that getting people through this pharmacy is not really easy by any means, but this article will sincere will give you the full and necessary support you want.
So, in this very post, you will learn all the necessary stuffs you need about gaining admission into one of the pharmacy schools of choice; to shock you the most, we have made thorough researches and we have come-up with the list of some easiest pharmacy schools to get into.
Unlike some students who needed a model schooling environment or top institution, others are careless about studying environment, so if you are not a fashionista or kind of a student that care more about branding rather than quality education; be glad you found yourself here, or maybe you careless about joining a top institution because you value knowledge over environmental branding.
So, if you care to know more about easiest pharmacy schools to get into; keep reading as we unveil the right schools for you to get your dream course studied.
General Requirements For Pharmacy Schools
Just like every organizations, even schools have their individual requirements when it comes to giving admission to prospective students same as easiest pharmacy Schools to get into. However there are still general requirements for every professional courses like pharmacy, and like is stressed earlier, individual schools have their different requirements in terms of offering admission, but numerous of the said requirements are most times similar across all schools in a given environment or regions.
So, we have taken our time to work and bring out the realest requirement for gaining admission to pharmacy schools to get into easily( pharmacy Schools requirements); though our list is on a general note. And if by chance you can be good with at-least 80% of the requirements then you have higher chances of getting admission to these easiest pharmacy schools to get into in any part of the world.
Forget the fact these schools that made our list have high acceptance rates; in as much as they are easy to get into doesn’t mean they don’t have admission requirements; however on a sincere note they have quite a flexible admission requirement which an average student can meet-up with, and get started with school immediately.
Do not take these requirements for jokes; they will for sure play huge roles in your academic rides while even in one of the pharmacy school of your choice. So one of the first thing you should do is to take relevant courses in the science line.
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Take Relevant Courses
Just like every organisation and other normal schools, professional schools like pharmacy school also have certain requirement and they will for sure demand from you some necessary documents to prove you have finished some science related but specific courses before you can continue with your application or even let you enrol to continue with the program.
Pharmacy is purely in the science line and for the fact you will work in medicine line, you should focus more on biology and even chemistry for a broader knowledge about what you heading to study in the school. So the pharmacy Schools requirements involved having Science background.
So, below is the accurate list of the science courses you must pass before you are considered into any pharmacy school. Don’t start thinking you can get into any pharmacy school be it easy or hard when you fail any of the below courses. Easiest pharmacy Schools to get into will be less stressful if you take relevant courses
List of Courses to Pass
- General Chemistry I & II
- Organic Chemistry I & II
- Anatomy I & II
- Biology I & II
- Physics
- Physiology
- Statistics
- Calculus
- Psychology or Sociology
- English Composition
If at all the last four courses seem out of point to you, then put this into reasoning and know that your profession is based on dealing with humans. Pharmacist, doctors and nurses are great psychologist and excellent communicators; which is why we have English composition in the list of courses here.
Have you ever got in a deep and convincing conversion with a patient before? If yes then you should know it takes greater communication skills to convince most patient to take the right medication needed to cure their ailment.
Work on Your GPA
There is a great need to work seriously on your GPA; because GPA is generally attributed to Holy Grail of education. Almost everybody wants to have awesome GPA, but only few persons really understand what GPA is all about and the level of influence it has. The be admitted into any of the lists of easiest pharmacy Schools to get into below, good GPA is important.
However, most of the pharmacy schools will require prospective student GPA to be at least 2.5; in other hand even if some pharmacy schools don’t demand for a specific GPA, you still really need to work hard to increase your chances of getting the admission.
Most schools see GPA as an excellent predictor of academic excellence or success; there pharmacy schools places a lot of emphasis on the prospective GPA scores while your application is put into consideration. In addition, working so hard to increase your GPA is a perfect way to increasing your chances of getting admitted into any of the pharmacy schools.
Have you for once or on numerous cases bump into guys that claim, to have been offered admission into one these easiest pharmacy schools to get into? Most times you might actually run into guys who claim to have been offered admission into one of these schools with their lower GPA.
Don’t be surprised, it could be possible and I can boldly say it is entirely possible; but then could you please consider their claim coupled with grace that might be covering and also the level at which they are connected. Getting into any of the Easiest pharmacy Schools to get into will be less stressful if your GPA is good.
Gain Relevant Pharmacy Experience for Easiest pharmacy Schools to get into
This is normal amongst professional courses of this kind, including medicine and nursing profession, this isn’t a try an error profession. So originally every pharmacy school will demand of you to prove you have had past working experience in the pharmacy field.
This work experience could either be voluntary or paid; it doesn’t really matter in this regard; so what really matter is you have had past working experience in the pharmaceutical fields. Getting into any of the Easiest pharmacy Schools to get into will be less stressful with relevant pharmacy Experience.
The best way to handle this is to be close to a real pharmacist always. This literally means you should follow them everywhere and see how they operate, so you can also be learning from their past experience including the present.
So, working as an auxiliary nurse or doctor is a great opportunity to seize instantly and be on the go; because it is not always easy as it seem.
But in cases you are finding hitches in it, you may head over to your phone and put a call across or even locate the nearest pharmacy school in your locality for help. Because numerous pharmacy schools have programs designed to help students find auxiliary opportunities in this field of study before heading to high school to run the program properly.
As for how many hours, it depends on each school, but the more the merrier! In fact, I’d argue that work hours are even more important than GPA, since nothing can beat experience on the job. Being admitted into any of the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into require pharmacist experience.
Take the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT)
You are advised to take the pharmacy college admission test; this pharmacy college test is a test that is used to assess prospective student qualifications test their eligibility scale or see if they’re ready for pharmacy schools. It’s quite an important step to take, as almost all schools will prompt you to take this test which count as an eligibility test, so the earlier you prepare for it, the better you.
You shouldn’t be worked up because of the test; because it’s quite an easy test and it is a general academic knowledge and experience test with many questions from subjects like biology and chemistry. So, if you already meet the requirement course-work; then this test should not be so hard for you to pass. Normally, if you are able to pass the previous requirements on the list, then you should be able to pass test with no hassles or hitches of any kind.
Don’t dare, come to the test hall un-prepared, buckled up and come write the test with ease, your past experience should scale you through the test. Though there are the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into, performance at the test is a plus.
Getting into any of the Easiest pharmacy Schools to get into will be less stressful if you prefer well for the PCAT and get a high score.
Get at Least Two Letters of Reference
This is likewise to securing a fresh job in an organisation or even colleges as a lecturer or just an administrator. So be reminded that letter of reference or recommendation are quite a great catalyst in getting one into pharmacy school.
Since schools have different administration and their policies differs, there will be cases where some schools demand up to four reference letters, while other schools are contented with just one. Getting into any of the Easiest pharmacy Schools to get into will be less stressful with Appropriate letter of reference.
But reminded that the quality of the reference plays a huge role in this whole scenario; however a letter from a pharmacist stands way taller and value than a letter from your ordinary academic advisor, who is not a specialist in the pharmaceutical field.
So, these reference letters are required to prove you are a mature person who is ready to take pharmacy coursework so serious and make the best of it. Therefore, I strongly advise you make provision for two quality letters of reference to give you edges over other
Then one of the letter should be from a pharmacist, and the other letter from a professor, which I am sure will serve better purposes; you are wondering why the letters should come from these two personalities?
Get the gist right here; be most aware that the letter of reference from a certified pharmacist will serve as validation to your past work experience in the pharmaceutical field, while the other letter from the professor proves you are an excellent student to be known specifically.
With nice letter of reference, admission into easiest pharmacy Schools in California or any other place will be less stressful.
Prepare for the Interview
Most persons are aware of this, though other prospective students are not aware of it on the basis that they ignored it from on-set; it’s no magic to bring this right onboard, even in your elementary school, you were interviewed, so you should expect more in this advance and professional school in the medical or pharmaceutical field.
Remember that interview questions or it time may not be same across all pharmacy schools; therefore each and every schools will schedule an interview with prospective student. This is the point you need to shine and prove you are not just inquisitive but dedicated and prepared to take on the pharmaceutical journey to become a pharmacist real time.
So, long you as you already meet up and completed the whole requirement course-work and you’ve acquired some life experience in reality, then you should be able to honour and pass the interview and also prove the level of your willingness to study the course effectively.
However, you can as well try to read other persons past experiences with interviews online and offline and prepare to answer questions more in depth and professionally in a pleasing manner. Getting into any of the Easiest pharmacy Schools to get into will be less stressful if you prepare well for the interview as you did the PCAT.
Applying Via the Pharmacy Graduate Application Service
The Pharmacy graduate Application Service is centralized application services with the aim of letting students apply to numerous pharmacy schools with a an application in time, this doesn’t require applying to these schools individually.
It is for sure a very useful process that ease everything for students; because it lets students apply to different schools at same time without having to re-write your applications from scratch every time for individual pharmacy schools. Getting into any of the Easiest pharmacy Schools to get into will be less stressful when you apply through the right channel.
Things That Makes It Easier to Get Into a Pharmacy School.
There are numerous factors responsible for flexibility in the acceptance rate of any pharmacy school; so never feel that meeting-up with the requirements means automatic admission for you or does it means a deciding factor to getting admission into pharmacy school. Now let’s get to unscramble some undeniable factors to consider below.
Let get to consider this individual cases with respect to acceptance rate of each pharmacy school that is seen easy to get into; a pharmacy school has exactly 2,000 available admission slots annually, and over 9,000 prospective students applied to the school. Then the other school has exactly 3,000 slots available, and then the school have over 17,000 applicants in total.
Now have a re-think about the above instance, our first school above might have harder requirements, but it is still far easier to gain admission into; because of the number of available slot and the number of applicants are quite closer to each other. You can see that the school has lower competition compared to the other school we used as insight above.
1. Acceptance Rates
Also note that acceptance rates play a huge role in this case and not just pre-requisites or requirements that should just be put into consideration. Normally, almost everybody wants to go with schools with high acceptance rates and low requirements; something to aid or ease admission and study their dream course as the case may be. However there is one other factor to consider other than pre-requisites and requirements.
2. Environment
It’s no doubt that studying environment plays an un-match role when it comes to studying professional courses like pharmacy, medicine and law. Since you will be spending 4-6 years in pharmacy schools; which means you are spending years in the studying environment there is a need for you to also make merry in the studying environment,.
In that regards you should also consider the quality of the environment you are going to study, the conduciveness coupled with effective studying spots; where students can actually study with pleasantness.
There is always individual differences; while some students wants a quiets and stress-free environment to be able to study effectively, others wants a happening environment with low volume music to be able to assimilate quickly and fast; so an environment that offer both in different spot in same school is the real deal.
And also the type of activities that interest you the most play vital roles in your choice of schooling environment, maybe you have passion for art and would rather live in some selected cities, perhaps you so much love hitch-hiking or sea located towns.
And talking about the locals; note that every environment has their own way of life, before making a choice always figure out the necessary points and even understand if you can fit in properly with numerous challenges. Most of the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into has conducive studying Environment.
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Lists of Easiest Pharmacy Schools to Get Into in the World

If you have been following the article right from the start, you should know the general requirements already but for better understanding; I will be listing them here again but I won’t be elaborating. The list consists of the above mentioned factors we already discussed and you take note of them.
Take this factors and requirements so serious please.
- GPA requirements
- Letters of reference required
- Acceptance rate
- Prerequisite courses
- Hours of work experience required
Just so you know, all the aforementioned requirements and factors have different gravity; don’t expect equal flexibility across the requirements and factors. For an example, for you to get letter of reference is quite harder; though it’s one of the most important compared to looking at schools acceptance rate or it flexibility, we all know that pharmacy schools acceptance rate is not constant, it’s just a number that embraces changes and it varies across the year and that it solely depends on other factors unknown to us or even you.
But the truth remains; if for any reason you want to achieve your dream of becoming a pharmacist in one of the easiest schools to get into; continue reading the article as we will be unveiling schools with high acceptance rate for pharmacy students.
1. Texas Southern University
This university in southern Texas got a very low acceptance rate and shouldn’t even be listed as one of the easiest pharmacy schools to get into; when you try compare them to other pharmacy schools that made our list: 32%. However we manage to have this school as our first on the list of because they quite have flexible requirements than even an average student can make and get admitted as pharmacy students.
So below are the requirements to get admitted into this institution and study your dream course without hassles.
Trying meeting up with the requirements, but be reminded that getting the requirements doesn’t guarantee automatic admission. Texas Southern University is one of the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into in the World
The Required Courses to complete Before you Can Qualify for the Admission.
- Calculus
- A minimum GPA of 2.75
- Organic chemistry I & II with lab
- Biology I & II with lab
- Anatomy & Physiology I & II with lab
- Microbiology with lab
- General chemistry I & II with lab
- Statistics
- Physics I with lab
- English composition
- Public speaking
- Social / behavioural sciences
Some of the reasons why we chose this school as our first is that they don’t have tedious or hard admission requirements, and there is no minimum or required amount of observational work that one need to complete before been admitted into this institution, though it’s duly some sort of recommendation to meet with the aforementioned requirements
Unlike the general requirements in regards to letter of reference that demands prospective students to submit two letter or even one letter of reference, this school demands 3 letters of reference, demanding you to get one from a pharmacist (most recommended) another one from a supervisor, and the other from a science professor; this will help increase your chance of getting alright.
PCAT is A Must and it’s required
As seen from the above already, you can attest to the simple fact that the requirement are in line with those of other pharmacy schools on our list, and still the acceptance rate of the school is low and un-appreciable. But I want to convince you with the high enrolment rate; and it strongly suggests that this school is excellent both in studies and environment.
Though there are things blocking prospective students from well at the school interview stage, don’t give-up already because grace may still speak for you and you can still get admitted regardless of your poor performance in the school. There are also pharmacy Schools that is easier to get into that do not require pcat.
2. South College
One of the most and biggest reason I included this pharmacy school and it made #2 on our list of easiest pharmacy schools to get into; is that the school validity period is just 3 years instead of the normal four to five or six years adopted by many other schools offering this course of study.
This school may seem harder than the other institution; because you may start having feelings that you have less time to complete the same study path of other students, I would love to shock you that but that’s not what actually happens in real sense as it adjusted according to the time spent on the college program.
We would have loved to share with us the acceptance rate of this pharmacy school but we have less data concerning the college; so we can’t outline some of the needed fact we all need to know in this regards. South College is one of the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into in the World.
The Requirements to Satisfy before applying to South College
- A minimum GPA of 2.5
- Complete the prerequisite courses in:
- General biology with lab
- General chemistry with lab
- Organic chemistry with lab
- Microbiology with lab
- Calculus
- Statistics
- English composition
- Speech communication
- Economics
- Electives in humanities
- Electives in social / behavioural sciences
- Anatomy and physiology with lab
Unlike other pharmacy schools, this very institution does not require thorough observational hours; however it’s a recommendation to help build your chances of getting the admission in no time.
And again, like many other pharmacy schools you are expected to drop three recommendation letters but on the general note you are required to present just one or two from a pharmacist and a professor to increase your chances; but this school needs at least two letters of recommendation; which one should come from a certified pharmacist and the other from a professor.
Though the number of recommendation letter advised is three, which one has to be from a pharmacist like I mentioned earlier and another from a professional adviser, and the last one from anyone who isn’t part of the applicant’s family ( the prospective students applying to the school)
So therefore this PCAT is not necessary, as the requirements are just as the same as the other pharmacy schools on our list of easiest pharmacy schools to get into. For you to get up-to 3 letters of reference from high profile personalities, most especially with such high and specific requirements attributed to high profile persons, can be so challenging.
I passed the same issue when I tried joining my country air force; as I have elaborate earlier, most of the pharmacy schools have programs that will let you work with real pharmacist which means a lot, and in subsequent time you can get letters of recommendation from the pharmacist you are shadowing. As one of the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into in the World, South College has a good study environment.
3. University of Kentucky
Ever had of a college or university with high acceptance rate and still good at the programs they offer? Also one of the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into in the World.
Well the University of Kentucky also offer a pharmacy program with an extremely high acceptance rate of 96% while been so amazing at giving students the best they needed with their skilled and world-class tutors. This may really sound really good to be true but it’s the truth and it can’t be compromised for any reason.
But for you to get into this pharmacy school there are requirements you really need to meet before been considered and achieve your dream of studying your dream course.
Requirements to Study in this School.
You actually needs at least a C in each of the below courses for you to get admitted into this pharmacy school.
- GPA of at least 2.5
- Biology I with lab
- Microbiology I with lab
- General chemistry with lab
- Organic chemistry with lab
- Human Anatomy
- Physiology
- Statistics
- Electives such as biochemistry, chemistry, genetics, and physics
- Mathematics
- Business
- English
- Oral Communications
Unlike other pharmacy schools, there is no pharmacy observation hours required, but it’s quite a recommendation and you need to satisfy it to get better chances of been admitted into this institution without hassles.
One thing that scares prospective students is the PCAT, but taking the PCAT is no longer needed in this school, they school use to conduct this test until 2019, they put a stop to it.
This pharmacy school requires you to at least present 3 letters of recommendation (reference), which one of the letter should come from a pharmacist or professor.
In all our year of guiding students on the right path to take in regards to getti ng admitted to one of easiest pharmacy schools, is the letters of recommendation from high profiled personalities, these are always hard to get and prospective students complain really hard about it almost all the time.
One good thing is that you don’t need any past work experience or a higher GPA other than 2.5 to apply to this school; however having them is a major advantage over other applicants applying to this same school of pharmacy.
4. University of Arizona
This University of Arizona offers a pharmacy program that is opened to everybody, skin colour or country of origin doesn’t affect your admission to this institution as the case may be, and the acceptance rate of the program is 85%.
The requirements to apply to this program are mentioned below.
- A GPA of at least 2.5
- A passing grade of at least C in the following courses:
- General chemistry
- At least two letters of reference
- Organic chemistry
- Anatomy & Physiology
- General Biology I
- Microbiology
- Physics I
- English composition
- Calculus
- Statistics
- Social sciences
- Traditions & cultures
- Fine arts or literature
- Diversity emphasis
- At least 80 hours of pharmacy observation hours / work experience
The aforementioned requirements are flexible rights? So it should not be an issue to satisfy the requirements, as they are quite easy to satisfy even by an average student. University of Arizona is one of the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into in the World.
The university does not mention a specific profession or person from whom they should accept the letters of reference or recommendation, they only give list of personalities who are “recommended but not required” or “conditionally accepted for the signing or serving of recommendation letter”, such personalities are pharmacists, employers, or professors.
The aforementioned 80 hours of pharmacy observation hours are shared into two: 40 of these hours should be pharmacy / healthcare hours, which are achieved through shadowing of a pharmacist as we stressed ealier, while the other 40 hours should be community involvement hours; which you must satisfy.
5. University of Utah
One of the best and the easiest pharmacy schools to get into is the University of Utah; this school is a strong contender in our list of easiest schools to get into.
The pharmacy program offered by University of Utah is done properly with all requirements made flexible for the an average students who wants stay fulfilled by studying pharmacy and becoming a pharmacists.
It’s no longer jokes that the university is getting progressively harder to get into as the day goes by; the pharmacy schools on our list have high acceptance rates but flexible requirements, however the first two schools have acceptance rates below and above 85%, while this University of Utah’s pharmacy program has a 62% acceptance rate which is quite appreciable.
Be reminded that the university of Utah acceptance rate is not too low enough to get worry about or been too hard to join anyways, and we could also see from below why it’s possible even when they have low acceptance rate.
University of Utah is one of the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into in the World Below are the requirements to get into University of Utah and study this pharmacy program of choice.
Required Courses to Pass.
- A minimum GPA of 2.75
- Human anatomy
- Human physiology
- General chemistry with lab
- Organic chemistry with lab
- Calculus
- Statistics
- Microbiology
- Physics
- Professional / technical writing or public speaking
This pharmacy school also do not consider or think more about hours of observational work as required by other schools offering pharmaceutical studies; however we still recommend that you have this on ground before proceeding to apply to this school of pharmacy, it is highly recommended even when it is not needed ideally ( it’s an advantage).
Since every school of pharmacy has their own prerequisite, this school of pharmacy demands just two letters of reference, which one should come from a pharmacist, supervisors, or healthcare professionals, and the other can either be from a professor in any field of study.
This PCAT that is not needed in other schools is required as core course requirements though it is lower than that of other pharmacy schools in our list, and the most amazing thing about this very school is that; there are no required observational work hours to show in your application just like other schools.
So, getting into this University of Utah’s pharmacy program should be do-able for most prospective students who are willing to put in a their whole effort to study the course for the love they have for it.
Reading from the start of the article about the easiest pharmacy Schools to get into in the World to the end of it should already show you all you need to know; you already have the required guidelines from the above, I mean our list of easiest pharmacy schools or colleges to get into as an average student.
The prerequisites for these schools are significantly low, and from the whole of our listings; only Texas University in the southern part of the country has high acceptance rate.
Normally, even if it is to get into these schools happens to be easy; there is still needs for you to craft a strong application to increase your chance of qualification, why? Because you are literally competing with over hundreds of other prospective students for just a limited number of available slots.
To be very honest with you, getting admission into Pharmacy school is not easy and it requires hard work and meeting the needed requirements; and on the other hand, getting the admission is hard. However if you get into one these schools, there are still need for you to put in hard work, so you can get your degree and then pass the national license exam (NAPLEX) in flying colours.
Hey! Dude
I hope you got all the required information in regards to the easiest pharmacy schools to get into; and become a pharmacist. Don’t let your average results stop you from achieving all you’ve ever long for in this regards.